Wednesday, October 22, 2008

It's a bird, it's a plane ...

It's SuperObama. Is there nothing this man can't do? Now actor Daniel Craig, out promoting the new James Bond movie, says Obama would make a better 007 than John McCain “because—if he’s true to his word—he’d be willing to quite literally look the enemy in the eye and go toe-to-toe with them."

So much for Joe Biden's worries that America's enemies will test Obama in his first six months in the White House. We've got 008 in Washington (Get it? Like Election Year 2008). John McCain, says Craig, "would probably be a better M [because there's] a kind of Judi Dench quality to McCain.”

From reading and watching much of the media, you wonder why we're even going through the formality of an election since everyone in America is going to vote for Obama. Why not just declare him president by popular acclamation?

After Election Day, those claiming to have voted for Obama will be as common as Baby Boomers who say they went to Woodstock. The first-ever mega-festival drew a huge crowd, but if every Boomer who has since claimed to have been there had actually gone, the entire Eastern Seaboard would have been a muddy, messy campground.

Unless, of course, Obama doesn't live up to his advance notices, which admittedly would be tough for anyone. Then look for a flood of "Don't blame me, I voted for McCain" bumperstickers and Oliver Stone's plans for a gutsy new movie, "O."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting post. I've had countless Boomers claim to me they were at Woodstock; maybe 5% actually were. Relevantly, as many prominent experts have noted, Obama is a member of Generation Jones--born 1954-1965, between the Boomers and GenXers.

This new 5 minute video addresses this issue in a fascinating way...It features many top pundits (including David Brooks, Clarence Page, Dick Morris, Juan Williams, Karen Tumulty, Howard Wolfson, Michael Barone, etc.) specifically talking about Obama (and Palin's) membership in Generation Jones, as well as the surprisingly big role that GenJones is now playing in this election, video is top of this page:

And here is a column by Clarence Page about GenJones in yesterday's Chicago Tribune:,0,2775732.column