Tuesday, January 6, 2009

So thoughtful

What a relief to hear that the incoming Obama Administration and its confederates in the Democratic-controlled Congress have decided to throw some tax cuts into the massive economic "recovery" plan that's headed our way. With everyone and his brother seeking a bailout now (gee, we didn't see that coming -- free money, anyone?), it's nice that a few crumbs are included for the people who are paying for all these handouts. Remember, too, that a tax "cut" is merely the government letting you keep more of your own money.

And what's the price tag for the federal government's plan to "rescue" us?  I love this sentence from the New York Times today -- "(Senate Majority Leader Harry) Reid was talking about a bill of $800 billion to $1.2 trillion, while Mr. Obama's advisers estimated legislation at no more than $775 billion." Sounds like we'll need Senator Franken in there to break the tie.

Don't worry, though, it's not like the federal government is going to run out of money because the Fed chairman has promised us he'll print all we need.

So let me see if I have this straight: The government creates the problem (choose the culprit depending on your political persuasion - lack of regulation of fat cat contributors or loans for would-be voters who couldn't possibly repay them), and now that same government is going to bail us out. Only in brain-dead America.


Anonymous said...

I need a bailout to allow me to buy more used vinyl LPs -- the habit that spuured my right to a bailout.

Professor Mikey said...

So here's my two cents:
Cent 1: Let everybody tear up one credit card. Pick one, into the shredder.
Cent 2: Let mortgage payers have one month off. Instead of the house paying off in April 2030, it pays off in May 2030. Is that really going to throw things off that much?

And hell yes about the vinyl comment.